Wednesday, March 11, 2009


  Well, if you read my other blog you already know, the cure for cabin fever is simple. Butcher two pigs! Butchering provides that much needed stimulus and plenty of exercise to shake you right out of those winter time blues. Plus all the fringe benefits such as family togetherness and a teaching opportunity for economics ,ethics, animal husbandry, and cooking to mention a few. I hate writting the same stuff twice so if your intrested in the butchering and meat curing look on my other blog
   I didn't do much but make fire wood all last month but vacation is over now! This last week I got out the pan for cooking maple syrup and started getting set up and every thing cleaned up and ready to go. I tapped a dozen trees so we can watch them to see when they start to run. Nothing so far. I don't like to tap too early because the tree will start to heal up before the end of the run. I'll tap about a hundred to a hundred twenty-five trees this year. We make as much syrup as we can and if we have enough we'll make some maple sugar too.
   Next on the list was getting ready to start seeds for our garden. First off was setting up a small 8x8 greenhouse. That went well after I got the snow shoveled out of the way! I have it all set up and staked down so we are ready to go on that. We won't start our seeds until about the middle of April. That will make our sets 5 to6 weeks old when we put them out.
    Ann order two packages of bees for delivery in April so next week I will have to get busy cleaning up some hive boxes and supers. We weren't here last year so didn't have any bees so have to start over this year. One of the things to do on my list is to do a better job as a bee keeper this year. In past years I've been a little sloppy on working the hives. Bees are getting way too expensive to have them swarm on you because you did'nt do your part.
   I'll try to get some photos of all that stuff up if I have a chance. There are a few on the other blog.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! More bees!!! I'm wondering if you have an empty honey comb that I could show the children in my classroom? We're going to be talking about spring soon.
