Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Mid-winter Blaaaaas

  I definitely have the mid-winter blaas. It has been to cold to do much outside other than caring for the livestock.  It is supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow. If it is I can at least make some firewood. Not exactly fun but at least I will get some exercise and fresh air. 
   With a little too much time on my hands I have been following the news more lately. The economic news is starting to worry me quite a bit. Even though I think Obama is going to try to turn things around I don't have much hope of his getting it done. I think things are too far out of whack and it's going to take years for this to straighten out. I also think gas prices are going to go back up at least as high as they were before.
   I don't think hording is a good idea but I firmly believe people should be prepared. It always surprises me when I see video on the news of people rushing to the store two hours before the hurricane is going to hit. People need to start being more responsible for themselves and stop waiting for the government to take care of them. Every one should have enough food on hand to feed themselves for at least a month. Personally, it makes me nervous if we don't have a years worth on hand!
   Well, enough doom and gloom. I am starting to plan this years gardens which is always an optimistic project. I am planning to do a small market garden again this year. I think more people will be looking for locally grown food but I expect them to be looking for bargains too. I will probably raise some free range chickens to sell also. Spring can't get here soon enough for me!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. No more news!!! ;-) Okay Dad, you've seen my apartment. Where am I going to store a year's worth of food?! ;-)
